Curriculum Review
The 2015-16 curriculum review project is a comprehensive look at all undergradate majors with a focus on unit requirements at the upper and lower division. The goal is to examine and streamline major requirements to help ensure that entering frosh can graduate in four years or less, and entering transfer students can graduate in two years or less.
The project is a joint effort of the Academic Senate's Committee on Educational Policy (CEP) and the Division of Undergraduate Education. CEP Chair John Tamkun and Vice Provost and Dean of Undergraduate Education Richard Hughey would be delighted to meet with programs as they are working on this project over the 2015-16 academic year.
Project Timeline
- October 20: Project launch.
November 9 12: Online form available. We will be using a local campus form, aligned to system-wide reporting requirements. The campus goal is to ensure that faculty can focus on the substantive review of curriculum. The Division of Undergraduate Education will facilitate the administration and reporting of this initiative.
December 4: Entry of current majors and major unit requirements into the online form and overview of initial analysis, including whether the program (a) is planning to make changes for 2016-17, (b) is planning to make changes for 2017-18, or (c) is not planning to make changes.
February 1, 2016: First update on curriculum review from programs.
January-March, 2016: Submission of late catalog copy addendums for potential 2016-17 implementation, if desired.
April 15, 2016: Second update on curriculum review from programs.
Winter and Spring, 2016: CEP review of proposed degree changes, course and catalog changes, and consultation with programs that have not been able to reduce unit requirements.
- Fall 2016: Submission of final proposals and supporting catalog and course revisions for 2017-18.
Project Resources
- NEW: Major Requirements - Criteria for a Strong Rationale
- Joint memo from Senate Chair Brenneis and CP/EVC Galloway
- Joint memo from CEP Chair Tamkun and VPDUE Hughey
- Time to degree for all majors - Frosh cohorts 2004 through 2008, graduating in less than 6 years (e.g., Summer 2015 graduation for the Fall 2008 cohort)
- Time to degree for all majors - Transfer cohorts 2006 through 2010, graduating in less than 4 years (e.g., Summer 2015 graduation for the Fall 2010 cohort)
- Upper division courses taken by students in their second year
- Program Learning Outcomes (all programs)
- First destination survey (post graduation plans, by major)
- Online Reporting Form
- List of Initial Assessment Questions
- List of First Update Questions
- List of Second Update (if applicable) Questions
- Richard Hughey, Vice Provost and Dean, Undergraduate Education
- John Tamkun, Chair, Committee on Educational Policy
- David Abercia, UE Chief of Staff (web form, reporting)
- Susanna Wrangell, CEP Analyst (CEP review process)
Comprehensive Major Review - First Update
Comprehensive Major Review - Second Update
Comprehensive Review of Major Requirements Update 4-1-2016