Undergraduate Education Human Resources
Serving units in:
Division of Undergraduate Education
Division of Global Engagement
Division of Student Affairs and Success (Academic)
Elani Zissimopoulos | Assistant Vice Provost and Assistant Dean
Financial and Human Resources
831-459-2590, ezissimo@ucsc.edu
Lisa Pauken | Academic Personnel Manager
Academic Faculty Appointments and Reviews
831-459-4307, lpauken@ucsc.edu
831-459-3822, iscorral@ucsc.edu
Jessenia Garcia | Academic Human Resources Analyst
Academic Student Appointments
831-459-1998, jessenia@ucsc.edu
Academic Student Appointments (COSMOS)
Academic Personnel is governed by a complex set of policies and procedures at both the system-wide and campus-wide levels. The Academic Personnel Manual (APM) provides a general overview of the system-wide policies. The Campus Academic Personnel Manual (CAPM) provides detailed information regarding our campus' implementation of the system-wide policies.
The UCSC Academic Personnel Office (APO) maintains a comprehensive website with information regarding academic personnel policy, forms, links to online systems, salary scales, and more. Of course, as with any website, it can sometimes be challenging to find the answers to your questions. In an attempt to help you find what you are looking for, we have provided links to some of the most common topics in academic personnel. However, please do not hesitate to contact our staff members with any questions you may have.