UE & GE have implemented a divisional protocol for requesting staff actions. A workflow that encompasses the process of initiating various employee actions, including classification reviews, equity increases, stipends, and recruitments, has been created to guide units through this new process. Recruitments on core funds will need additional approval from the EVC Office. All forms have been updated with supplemental questions regarding the need for the request.
Equity Request
For a salary increase due to a change in job duties or as the result of a compensation analysis, please complete the following:
All changes to the job description are initiated and reviewed in Job Builder (JB). If there are changes to the job description, please submit them for review/approval through Job Builder. Ensure you are using the "HR Liaison" workflow.
*Please wait for final approval before submitting any changes in JB.
Reclassification Request
For a change in job classification for an existing employee due to a significant change in job duties, which would usually be accompanied by a salary increase, please complete the following:
All changes to the job description are initiated and reviewed in Job Builder (JB). You will be required to upload a unit org chart to the Job Builder request. Ensure you are using the "HR Liaison" workflow.
*Please wait for final approval before submitting any changes in JB.
An administrative stipend is a temporary pay action that an employee receives when they're temporarily assigned an increase responsibilities such as:
- Significant additional duties or short-term projects not currently a part of the employee’s regular position;
- Duties of a position in a higher grade or classification which would result in an upward reclassification if permanently assigned or,
- Out-of-Classification assignments as defined within collective bargaining agreements. Refer to Out-of-Classification Stipend Matrix.
For a stipend request please complete the following form:
UE Recruitments
Step 1: Requesting a Recruitment (initiated by unit)
We are asking units to first submit a UE recruitment Request form before initiating a job description in Job Builder. This will allow us to gather as much information as possible to determine whether or not to initiate a workflow in Job Builder.
Step 2: Initiating a job description workflow in Job Builder (initiated by unit)
Please visit
Job Builder to create a new job description or make any changes to a current job description. You will use one of the "HR Liaison" workflows. You may include anyone else in your unit in the workflow. They will be able to provide input or make changes before sending the job description down to the next reviewer.
Job Builder Workflow participants:
The Position Control Request is now embedded in Job Builder. The UE HR Office will complete the UCPath approvals for new or updated UCPath position numbers.
Step 3: Job Opening Request (initiated by UE HR Office)
The UE HR Office will open a Job Opening Request (JOR) on the units behalf once the position number is created and approved in UCPath. This will route to Talent Acquisition (TA). TA will create the Job Post in TAM.
Step 4: Job Offer for open recruitment (initiated by unit)
Once the unit has completed or is close to completing all the required documents in the Recruitment Document Suite, they will submit a
UE/GE Job Offer form. The UE HR Office will cond
uct a review of your RDS and alert TA of the readiness to move forward with a formal job offer. TA will do a final review and will add your Job Offer to their queue only when your RDS is complete. Please ensure you take immediate action if any items are deemed incomplete in order to move forward with the offer.
The Talent Acquisition team will contact the selected candidate directly with a conditional job offer and discuss next steps (e.g., background check). Note: a conditional offer is made to positions that require background checks. Candidates will receive the final former offer once results are back.
Recruitment Document Suite (RDS)
Once your Initial Review Date has passed. SHR will give the hiring manager access to the Recruitment Document Suite (RDS) using Google Drive. The Recruitment Document Suite contains a number of documents, including screening matrices and recruitment selection logs that will help the hiring committee throughout the recruitment process. Hiring Managers are required to fully complete the documents (screening matrices, selection logs, etc.) before a hiring manager is able to identify their selected candidate and move on to the Job Offer stage.
Limited Non-recruitment
The Talent Acquisition team will contact the selected candidate directly with a conditional job offer and discuss next steps (e.g., background check). Note: a conditional offer is made to positions that require background checks. Candidates will receive the final formal offer once results are back.
Please consult with the UE HR Office if you have plans or inquiries regarding hiring a retiree. You may also visit TA resources- Rehire of Retirees for the guidelines and process. Once you've consulted with the UE HR Office, the process will be initiated on your behalf.
If you have any questions regarding the process or the status of your employment
action, please do not hesitate to contact Isabel Corrales,
iscorral@ucsc.edu or Elani Zissimopoulos,
ezissimo@ucsc.edu. If you have questions about funding your employment
action, please be sure to consult with Haydee McAmis,
hmcamis@ucsc.edu prior to submitting forms.