Running a Student's DPR

The Degree Progress Report (DPR) is housed in MyUCSC. There are two ways advisors can run a student's DPR. Though Method 2 is simpler and more direct, understanding how to do Method 1 will allow you to run What-If Reports.

Method 1: Advisee Student Center

Method 2: Request Advisement Report

  1. From the Advisor Homepage of MyUCSC, click on the Advising & Curriculum tileadvising_and_curriculum_tile.png
  2. From the left-hand navigation menu, select New/Drop-In Advisees or Advisee Student Center. Both options direct you to the Advisee Student Center.
  3. Enter the student's ID and click Search.advisor_dpr_id_enter.png
  4. In the "Other Academic Information" dropdown menu, select Degree Progres Report, and click go.advisor_dropdown_dpr_section.png
  1. From the Advisor Homepage of MyUCSC, click on the Advising & Curriculum tile
  2. From the left-hand navigation menu, select New/Drop-In Advisees or Advisee Student Center.
  3. Enter the student's ID and click Search.req_adv_rpt_enterid.png
  4. Click the AADPR link*
    highlight of the AADPR report type
  5. Click Process Requestreq_adv_rpt_process_request.png
    *If there is no AADPR report type, follow these instructions.