Summer Strategy Group & Report
SSG Outcomes Report
This web page is a collection of documents for use by the Summer Strategy Group, with charge as follows:
[Original recipients below]
Dear all,
Summer session is crucial to undergraduate student success, graduate student support and training, and campus finances. Undergraduate students can decrease their time to degree, enroll in impacted classes, and take pre-reqs required for fall courses. Graduate students can hone their teaching skills and maintain employment.
I am establishing a Summer Strategy Group. I and your dean are inviting you to be an active member. I hope you will accept. I expect the group to meet three times and have scheduled meetings for:
Thursday, July 18 from 1:00 to 2:30pm, Kerr Hall Room 212
Thursday, August 1 from 10:30am to noon, Kerr Hall Room 212
Tuesday, September 10 from 1:00 to 2:30pm, Kerr Hall Room 307
We will arrange for phone participation for those who will not be on campus.
The Summer Strategy Group (SSG) will focus on increasing undergraduate enrollments in Summer 2014*. This is expected to also positively affect:
Undergraduate time to degree
Graduate employment through TA and GSI positions
Campus finances
The SSG will need to recommend action on several key items quickly, in order to have changes take effect for Summer 2014. Items include:
Financial incentives to departments and programs for offering courses.
TA Allocation policy.
Course cancellation policy.
Fees, especially those charged to visitors.
Online education incentives.
This group is part of our ongoing effort to consult, communicate, and ensure transparency and continuous improvement in policy and implementation. There is growing campus consensus that “business as usual” will not enable us to meet (or exceed) our longer-term summer enrollment goals. The Summer Strategy Group may also begin to form the questions and foundations for a broader discussion, including such items as:
How to evaluate possibilities among the multitude of competing funding goals—ladder faculty, graduate student instructors, teaching assistants, graduate student researchers, the campus as a whole, departments, divisions, financial aid, and of course student retention, graduation, and time to degree.
Examining the systems used by other summer sessions, in particular other UC campuses. For example, UCI introduced a “pay for only 8” program of tuition discounting this year, letting students enroll in up to 20 units while paying for just 8 (this may be worth considering for Summer 2014).
Determining the best ways to continue and expand our focus on transparency and local decisions with respect to summer session curricular planning.
Thank you for considering joining this team. Please let Mackenzie Aluffi (9-4908, know if you will be able to attend some or all of the meetings and if you will attend in person or by telephone.
ENGINEERING: Monique Vairo, Glen Winans
HUMANITIES: Julie Brower, Roxanne Monnet, Lisa Oman, Stephanie Sawyer
SOCIAL SCIENCES: Kyle Eischen, Jill Esteras, Dana Rohlf
PLANNING & BUDGET: Meg Lehr, Free Moini
UNDERGRADUATE EDUCATION: Jessica Fiske Bailey, Ted Codding, Monica Parikh
Summer Session 2014: Policies, Procedures, and Plans
Summer Budget Fee Flows, Free Moini
Summer Budget Overview, Free Moini
One page intro to charge, goals, meetings
Agendas (tentative) for SSG 3 meetings
UCSC Summer Enrollments & UC Comparisons (2 sheets, xslx)
Planned growth in Summer Session enrollments through SS2021
Proposals for Revenue Share, possible models
Original post created July 16, 2013