Academic Summary and Objectives
Academic Summary
The Academic Summary displays important metrics based on completed coursework. Currently enrolled courses do not factor into the information shown in the Academic Summary. The following information is displayed:UC GPA: This is your Grade Point Average (GPA), including courses taken at UCSC and at another UC Campus through an Intercampus Visitor Program.
Total Credits: This includes all credits earned via courses taken at UCSC, another UC campus, transfer credit, and credit earned via exam such as AP or IB credit.
% Graded Pass: This is the percent of completed credits which are graded P. Learn more about the Pass/No Pass limit.
Senior Residency: This field determines whether you have satisfied the University of California Senior Residency Requirement. This field will display "TBD" (to be determined) until you have applied for graduation, at which time it will indicate "Met" or "Unmet." A message of "unmet" does not include currently enrolled courses in the calculation, so contact your college advisor to confirm progres toward this requirement.
Note: The values in your Academic Summary may differ from those in your Student Advising Summary. Data in the DPR is refreshed immediately, where as the Student Advising Summary is refreshed quarterly. For the metrics in the Academic Summary, the DPR is the most up-to-date source of information.
Academic Objectives
The Academic Objectives displays the programs a student is pursuing and information regarding graduation status and timing. The following information is displayed:
Expected Graduation Term (EGT): EGT is the term you are expected to graduate based on your admit type and admit term. More information on the EGT can be found in The Navigator.
Graduation status: This section will only appear once you've applied for graduation. This will update as your graduation processing progresses.
Program: This indicates that you are pursuing an undergraduate degree. The Req (Catalog) Term corresponds to the catalog rights year you are pursuing for the UC and GE requirements.
Plans and Subplans: This lists all majors, concentrations, and minors on your academic record. The Req (Catalog) Term corresponds to the catalog rights year you are pursuing for that particular academic plan. If running a What-If report, this section will display the academic plans chosen in the scenario creation.