Satisfying Requirements
Most requirements in the DPR are satisfied by academic work such as coursework or test credit. All requirements satisfied by academic work will clearly state what can satisfy the requirement. This will either be noted in the requirement heading, the description, or in a course list. Some requirements may require entry of specific milestones by your academic advisor. These are often things like exit interviews or approval of a thesis.
For questions regarding specific requirements, contact your college advisor regarding university, GE, or college core requirements. Contact your major/minor advisor for questions about the specific field of study.
Satisfied vs Not Satisfied
Satisfied Requirements, like the one above, will:
1) Have the text "Satisfied" in bold under the heading for the requirement
2) Display a green check mark
3) Will collapse, hiding all content within them.
Unsatisfied Requirements, like the one above, will:
1) Have the text "Not Satisfied" in bold under the heading for the requirement
2) Will display a red X
3) Are expanded, displaying all content within them